
ToeSox FW19 Campaign

By June 28, 2019 No Comments

It’s all about the angles. A sock takes up very little space on a body. After 5 years of concepting and creating ToeSox campaigns, you have to keep changing it up so people don’t get bored. Easier said than done. I’ve been beyond fortunate to work with an incredible team of model/athletes, photographers and, of course, Mike our super talented graphic designer. Everyone’s always up for a challenge and never cease to amaze me. We shot this campaign at Booze Brothers Brewery in Carlsbad – a dream come true when you need multiple backdrops, cool floors and plenty of room to run, jump and dance. Bonus – easy access to an apres shoot beer! Photos: @mark_tessi Models: @ariellerabier@alyssahustedt Graphic Designer: @mdavidweeks